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General Dentistry at
Sea Brite Dental

Sam with a patientThe team at Sea Brite Dental can provide solutions for your dental needs. Within general dentistry, we offer examinations, cleanings, X-rays and oral cancer screenings. Periodic visits to our office will ensure that your smile stays healthy and bright!

Examining Your Oral Health

We recommend that you have a comprehensive examination done twice per year by Dr. Morris. If your oral health requires further care, you may see the hygienist more often for a cleaning. Dr. Morris can also stop by during these cleaning visits for a limited examination, if necessary.

Digital X-rays for a Deeper Look

We provide panoramic digital X-rays that allow us to look into the spaces that are difficult to see with the naked eye, such as between the teeth. These X-rays involve a low dose of radiation, making them a safe imaging choice.

Oral Cancer Screenings

At every examination, we’ll perform an oral cancer screening. This process looks at the inside of your mouth, your lips and tongue, checks around and down your neck and head to assess for lumps, bumps or other abnormalities. If we find anything that we don’t expect, we’ll refer you to an oral surgery or an ear, nose and throat doctor for an evaluation.

Checking for the Signs of Periodontal Disease

The oral evaluation we perform at your exam has a strong focus on locating any symptoms of periodontal disease. If needed, we can schedule you for a deeper cleaning or periodontal treatment. Surprisingly, most people show some of the beginning signs of periodontal disease. We’ll explain the disease process to you and how it affects not just your teeth, but your full body health.

Advice on Your Oral Hygiene

We’ll give you recommendations on products or techniques that you can use to improve your oral health at home. We may discuss tools such as dental toothpicks and proxy brushes and detail any areas you’re missing that you need to improve on.

Book Your Appointment Today

Don’t wait to have your oral health evaluated. Contact our team today to book a time for general dentistry La Grande or any of our other many services!


General Dentistry La Grande, Island City, Cove, Elgin, Union OR |
(541) 963-2741